Summer Rhythms

We all come to this space from varied backgrounds.  Some with children.  Some work full-time.  Some are in full-time ministry.  Some are retired.  The list goes on.  But regardless of our job and season in life, summer is steadily making its way toward us.  

In our house, our schedule is still pretty heavily driven by the school year.  We were looking at the calendar this week and lamenting that one month of our three-month break is already coming to an end.  I’m not really sure how that is possible, but alas, here we are.  

This got me thinking about how in the summertime our rhythms are different.  

We have more time for leisurely reading.  We spend time at the pool.  We eat different food.  We stay up later.  We play more games.  

For us, summer is a respite we look forward to.  In our family, it takes on a slower pace than other times of the year.  

I know this is not true for everyone.  

Regardless of what your summer calendar looks like, I want to invite you to pause this week and reflect on your summer rhythms.  What is life-giving to you in these summer months?  What is life-draining?  How can you balance the two?  

  • Does your work schedule change in the summer?  

  • If you are working full-time over the summer, are you still able to slow down?  Maybe take a few days off for a trip, or to relax at home? 

  • If you work full time and have children home for the summer, what are ways that you can make your time together memorable? 

  • If you are home full time and have children home for the summer, what do your routines look like with more people in the house all day? 

  • If you are used to everyone being at home all the time, what are special things you can do over the summer months to delineate a change in season? 

  • What are some of your favorite summer activities?  Will you schedule time to enjoy these things? 

  • What are some of your favorite summer foods?  Will your meal plan incorporate these seasonal items? 

  • What are some movies or books you want to explore this summer?

  • Who do you want to spend time with that you might not get to see at other times? 

  • In the midst of the changing season, how do you hope to encounter God during these months? 

    • Will you have more time to ask different questions?  

    • Do you want to explore a new formation tool to help you notice where God is at work? 

    • Do you have more time for creativity or wonder? 

    • Do you actually have less time in the summer?  If so what changes can you make so you don’t feel rushed or frustrated? 

I think there is value in acknowledging the changing season and taking time to get curious about what you want that season to look like mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. 

Your summer and my summer probably won’t look the same.  That’s great!  The goal isn’t for us to do the same thing, but to figure out what things matter in our home and for our family.  

My hope is that each of us would pay attention to the invitation that God sets before us and say yes to the rhythms that help us encounter him more fully.  

~  Melissa 


A Practice of Remembering


Spiritual Direction