Changing Seasons

Here in Oklahoma, over the past few weeks, we have had some lovely spring like days.  While the calendar won’t officially mark the start of spring for another week, we can see glimpses of it as we observe trees and plants beginning to bloom.

As spring approaches there are tasks that need to get done around our house.

We know that it won’t be long before we begin to see ants.  We have found that if we treat the outside of the house before spring is in full bloom then we will see far fewer ants inside.  The same is true about spiders, beetles, and all the other critters waking up from their winter rest.

This year we had someone come and help us with our large flower bed.  You might have heard me mention before that it is roughly the size of Rhode Island.  Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but it is quite large and fills up with weeds every year.  This year we prepared the ground differently to minimize the weeds.  Time will tell how well it worked.

Our grass also needs some care this year.  For years we had a trampoline and a swing set in our backyard.  Last year those items went to new homes, but you can still see where they took up residence because those spaces are devoid of grass.  We have Bermuda grass, which spreads like crazy, so we expected those gaps to fill in last year, but they haven’t so now we need to consider different options.

I also noticed that all of the patio furniture needs to be cleaned so it is ready to use and enjoy.

There is nothing remarkable about these tasks.  Each in its way is a bit mundane and maybe even boring depending on how you feel about yard work.  And yet each of them helps to get our home ready for a new season.

All of these tasks at home got me thinking about our life with God.

In our spiritual formation journey, we also go through seasons.  Some seasons may feel like spring - everything seems to be blooming and coming to life around us.  Some seasons may feel like winter - things are quiet and maybe even feel dormant.

Regardless of the season we are in, there are practical things we can do to make room for the work of the Spirit in our lives.

Reading Scripture
When I open my Bible I encounter God.  Every time.  He is there on the pages, waiting to speak with me.  Others who lived long ago took the time to record words inspired by the Spirit that would mean something to us even now.  Words that point us to a God who sees us in every season.  Words that remind us we are loved.  Words that challenge us to keep learning and growing.  Words that remind us what it looks like to love others well.  Words that offer hope.  Words that demonstrate lament.  Words that express emotion.  Words that remind us we are part of a larger story and regardless of where we find ourselves in life we are never, not for a moment, alone.

I think that prayer is a practice that we continue to learn over time.  I don’t think we ever become experts, rather I think we keep uncovering more about prayer as we age.  One beautiful thing about prayer is that it is a conversation with our Creator.  We can be honest as we talk with God about what is happening in our lives.  We don’t have to moderate our prayers or clean them up so they feel neat and tidy.  God is big enough to handle our deepest anger, our great sorrow, our fear, our insecurity, our joy, our laughter, our celebration - all of it.  He invites us to come to him, fully, without limitation.  And in those honest conversations, the Spirit meets us.

We were never meant to experience this life on our own.  We need a community where we can talk about the hard parts of our stories as well as the joyous ones.  We need to know that there are people who know us - the real us.  People who ask the necessary questions.  People who aren’t afraid to engage in hard topics and wrestle through what we think about them and why.  People who will show up at 3 am to help if there is an emergency.  People who will help get us to Jesus when we aren’t sure how to get there on our own.  People who love us and know us.  People who stick around when life gets hard and who celebrate the good stuff with us.

These basic tools for formation might, at times, seem mundane.  Maybe you are looking for something more exciting, or something grander to help you connect with God.  But the thing I have found to be true, through every season, is that God is never far away and he does not need anything fancy to connect with us.  He just needs us to show up.  That is enough.

Today, if you find yourself feeling disconnected from God I invite you to pause where you are and turn your face to God.  Talk with him.  He loves you.

If the idea of opening your Bible feels hard, for whatever reason, then consider listening as the Bible is read to you.  If you aren’t sure where to start, try the book of John.

  • DWELL - this app has a 7-day free trial, but is worth the annual cost.  You can listen to Scripture read from a variety of translations and a variety of readers.

  • Let’s Read the Gospels w/ Annie F. Downs - this podcast is Annie F. Downs reading three chapters a day from the gospels.  Every month you hear all four gospels read aloud.  Each month is from a different translation.  You can jump in at any time

If you have no idea who your community is, I want to encourage you to begin to look around at the people in your life and consider who you’d love to grab a coffee with and begin a conversation.  And if there isn’t anyone, then start talking to God about that too, because it matters.

I hope that no matter what season you find yourself in on your journey with God, you will be encouraged to keep showing up in these practical ways.  


~  Melissa


Beauty over Perfection


“Honey in the Rock”