A Year in Review

I hope this Christmas, that each of you saw glimpses of Immanuel, God with us, despite whatever circumstances are surrounding you and your loved ones in this season.

As we find ourselves, once again in the final week of another year, I want to invite you into a time of reflection and prayer.  Find a quiet space today, or sometime this week, and follow along using the prompts below.  You’ll probably want a notebook or the notes app on your phone.

Begin by taking a slow, deep breath through your nose.  Then slowly exhale through your mouth.  Repeat this several times and notice your body begin to relax.

Take a few minutes and pay attention to your body.  Is your jaw clenched?  If so, open your mouth to relax it.  Are your shoulders tight?  If so, slowly roll them until they loosen.  Do you notice any aches or pains?  Name what is hurting.  Is the pain something you can fix by pausing to stretch?  Do you need a glass of water to help with dehydration?  Are you hungry?  These may seem like basic needs, but make space to notice them.

Spend a few minutes in prayer.  You can pray these words, or use your own.

Father God, thank you for being with me this year.  There have been highs and lows along the way, but through it all, I have never been alone.  I am thankful for the time to pause and reflect on this year, which is coming to a close.  Help me to see the ways that you met me this year.  Help me to notice where you have been.

Pause here and begin to write down the things that come to mind.  Where have you seen God in your story this year?  Be specific.  Nothing is too small to name.  Are there moments from the year when you felt alone, but now looking back you can see you weren’t?  Are there moments when you still feel alone?  What would it look like for God to meet you in those spaces?  Be honest.

Jesus, I am so thankful that you are Immanuel, God with us.  You are with us in every circumstance.  You being with us does not make our pain obsolete, rather you offer us comfort.  You faithfully show us what it looks like to rejoice with those that rejoice and to mourn with those that mourn.  You remind us that there is room for both - that grief and joy can cohabitate together.

Pause to consider where you have experienced deep joy this year.  What has been life-giving?  Where have you found laughter and hope?  What has been worth celebrating?

Holy Spirit, thank you for helping me to notice you day in and day out.  Thank you for the ways that you challenge me to think deeply and invite me to notice areas where I need to grow.  Help me to remain attuned to you and to be attentive to your voice.

Pause to consider the prompting of the Spirit.  Where have you seen growth this year?  Are there areas where you have been stretched?  In what ways are you personally being shaped to look more like Jesus?  Where were you able to give of your time, treasure, and talent this year to partner with the work God is already doing?

Thank you for this year.  Thank you for rejoicing with me and weeping with me.  Thank you for challenging me and inviting me close.  As a new year begins, help me to keep my eyes on you and hold close the stories from generations past of your never failing love.  With each new year help me to recount what is true - you love me and you are with me - always! 


We've taken some time to reflect on where we have seen God this year.  However, if you are looking for a way to assess your daily and yearly rhythms you can check out this practice from last year to get started.  


~  Melissa


A Rule of Life


A Christmas Prayer