A Christmas Prayer
It is hard to believe that Christmas is in six days! The month seems to be passing by at lightning speed. Today, I thought I would offer a prayer for you as you prepare to gather with your family and friends in the days ahead.
Jesus, we find ourselves in
a season of waiting, wonder, and celebration.
The days ahead will be full of gatherings,
and yet each of us will enter those spaces
with various thoughts and feelings.
May your Spirit go before us and
make a way for us to see your goodness.
For those experiencing grief in this season,
may they receive your comfort.
For those experiencing loneliness,
may they know your friendship.
For those weary and wounded,
may they encounter your rest.
For those that are sick,
may they know your healing.
For those that are anxious,
may they experience your peace.
Despite our weariness,
may we also be able to enter into the
celebration of your birth with anticipation
and wonder.
Help us to find pockets of quiet,
moments to slow down,
catch our breath, and set our gaze on you.
Thank you for coming into this weary world,
and for loving us deeply.
Thank you that one day you will make
all things new.
As we celebrate Christmas may we
remember you are with us always,
and that we can put our hope in you.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! - Melissa