Rhythm Assessment

Today marks the last Monday in May, which means this week we are wrapping up the first half of the year. It feels like a good time to pause and do a rhythm assessment. I first introduced this idea in the winter of 2021, and since then, we’ve paused to assess in different ways over the years. Maybe you’ve done this rhythm assessment before, or perhaps this is your first time hearing about it. Either way, I hope that it will be a helpful way for you to slow down and notice what is working for you and what you might want to change.

Remember, rhythms are the things that we do on a repeated basis. They are the things that make up our days, which in turn make up our lives.  

Maybe you’ll want to answer each of these questions in one sitting, or maybe you want to spend the next few days mulling them over. Regardless, be intentional about this time of reflection and be honest and compassionate with yourself.  

  • What does a typical 24 hours look like for you?

    • What are the things you do every day?

    • Are there things you do daily that you would like to change?

  • What does a typical week look like for you?

    • What are the things you do every week?

    • Are there things you do weekly that you would like to change?

  • How much time do you spend scrolling your phone each day? (If you have an Apple device, this information can be viewed in your settings under Screen Time.)

    • Is the time on your device beneficial to you?

    • Would you have more free time if you reduced your device time?

  • If you share a home with other people, what rhythms do you have for spending time together?

    • Do you eat meals together?

    • Play games together?

    • Go on trips?

    • How are you building community within your home?

  • If you live alone, who are you in community with, and what are your regular rhythms for spending time together?

  • If you have friends who live alone, what rhythms do you have for inviting them into your home?

  • What spiritual formation practices are a part of your life today?

  • What spiritual formation practices would you like to see become a part of your life in the coming weeks?

    • What will it require to add new practices into your current rhythms?

  • Are you moving your body as much as you would like to each week?

  • Are you keeping your body hydrated?  

  • What do you do for fun?

  • When do you rest?

    • What would it look like to carve out more time to slow down?

This list is not exhaustive, but the idea is to notice the rhythms you have in place that will help you flourish in your life and help you remain connected to Jesus.  

You might read this list and be content with the rhythms you have established. If that is you, amazing. That means you’ve been intentional about what is filling your life and can celebrate that, in this season, your rhythms are doing what they were designed to do.  

You might read this list and think, whoa, too many things need my attention - how do I begin? If that is you, amazing. That means you’ve been willing to sit in this space and reflect on the areas you’d like to see change and can celebrate that, in this season, you are ready to make some adjustments.  

Sometimes, we don’t know a rhythm is out of whack until we intentionally name it and pay attention to how it is shaping our lives. It isn’t realistic to think we can overhaul every rhythm in our lives at the same time.  

If you find yourself wanting to make adjustments, I encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit into the conversation with you to help you discern where to begin. Then consider who else might be helpful to talk to about these changes - a counselor, a coach, a spiritual director, a spouse, a pastor, a friend - someone who will be honest with you and also show you compassion and kindness as you navigate any rhythms that might be shifting.  

~ Melissa 


Lectio Divina


Details Take Time