Formed by Rhythms

Sometime during the last year, I got in the habit of baking chocolate chip cookies once a week.  I keep the process pretty simple - I use a gluten-free box mix, add the extra ingredients, and then bake about three dozen cookies.  The whole process takes less than an hour, but it is something the people in my house look forward to each week.  

The aroma of the cookies fills the house as they bake.  Everyone likes to enjoy one from the first batch - before they are fully cooled, and still a little melty.  

As I was baking cookies this weekend, I was thinking about how this has become a rhythm in our home.  

It is surprising how sometimes things become rhythms without us noticing it is happening.  

In Galatians 5:16-26 we read about the desires of the flesh and the desires of the Spirit.  Verse 17 says, “For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want.” 

Following this, we see a list of ways our flesh might show up - anger, envy, jealousy, idolatry, selfish ambition, etc.  But then we see the fruit from walking with the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  

These are two very different lists.  

When we think about the rhythms that make up our lives, it is essential to consider whether those rhythms align with the Spirit.  Are the rhythms that fill our days helping us to love more deeply?  Are they helping us to live more joyful lives?  Are they making us more peaceful, patient, and kind?  Are they forming us to be people who are full of goodness?  Are they helping us to live faithful lives?  Are they making us more gentle?  Do we see the evidence of self-control taking shape?  

What are the rhythms that are forming you?  Are they helping you to live a life that reflects the image of Jesus to those around you?  If not, how would you like to see them change? 

As I write this, we have been without power for nearly 8 hours.  I feel frustrated because I just went grocery shopping a couple of days ago and might have to discard most of the food I purchased for the week.  I’m not upset that the power is out, that can’t be helped, but rather that I might have to spend extra money that wasn’t budgeted, which feels wasteful and discouraging.  

If I ignore my feelings, I will likely lose my patience and get snippy with the people in my home.  For a long time, I had a rhythm of ignoring my feelings.  I have had to learn to notice and name what is under the surface so that it doesn’t bubble over and harm someone else.  

When I notice what I am feeling and where that feeling stems from, I can better align myself with the Spirit and move from a place of anger to peace.  Not because I’m ignoring what is happening, but because I have chosen a new rhythm that allows me to name what is true and remember that Jesus is near.  
Will we need new groceries?  Maybe.  Is that frustrating?  Yes.  Is the house dark and warm?  Yes.  Are there things I can be grateful for?  Yes.  

Despite the frustrations, I can find joy.  

I’m thankful no trees fell on our house in the 100mph storm that came through.  I’m thankful we are all safe.  I’m thankful for an unexpected day of games and hanging out.  I’m thankful the power won’t be out forever - it is temporary.  And!  I’m thankful we have freshly baked cookies.  

I would much rather operate from a place of peace and joy.  So I will keep noticing the rhythms in my life that help me do that and eliminate the ones that don’t. 

How about you?  Do you need to make any rhythm changes? 


~  Melissa 




Growing Up