A Year Later
A year ago today I began a one-year sabbatical to heal, rest, and begin to explore what the next season of life might look like for me. I stepped away from a teaching job in our homeschool co-op as well as my part-time children’s pastor job. This wasn’t a sudden decision. It was considered over months, years really, and included input from wise counsel. I knew it was what I was being invited to do, but I was honestly hesitant to say yes because it meant giving up the income I would typically contribute to our home and it meant 12 months of, well, I wasn’t sure exactly.
During the course of this year, there has been disappointment and celebration. There has been brokenness and hope. There has been loneliness and friendship. There has been work and rest. Through it all, Jesus has remained my anchor.
As I enter this next year I don’t have all the answers I thought I would have; there are some details I am still waiting to discover. While talking with a friend last week I mentioned that it seems like this year has provided an opportunity for me to slow down and to explore more fully the gifts and strengths that make me, me. But it has also revealed that this season of exploration is just beginning.
Teaching, mentoring, discipling, shepherding, coaching - each is slightly different in nature, but all are focused on helping others flourish and grow. These words have been a part of me since I was a little girl. When I think about these words they make me smile.
I can see the Summer Arts camp where I taught drama. I can see a parking lot full of people from the community gathered to play games and eat food. I can see conversations around tables listening to stories and laughing. I can see Christmas parties and plays. I can see trainings and leadership meetings. I can see classrooms and the faces of children, teens, and their families. I can see tears of joy and sorrow shed in hospital rooms. I can see teammates, volunteers, and friends.
I can see my life.
And while I may not know exactly what this next season holds, what I do know for certain is that I will continue to teach, mentor, disciple, shepherd, and coach in every space that this path takes me.
It has been a joy to share bits of this year with you as we’ve explored multiple spiritual formation tools together. All of these past newsletters live at www.holyformed.org/newsletter in case you want to revisit any of them. I do plan to continue writing in this space. I will shift the format a bit moving forward. This past year I spent a month writing about each practice. Going forward I am imagining exploring parts of Scripture together while also continuing to share encouragement around various spiritual formation practices.
As I share on the website, Holy Formed is about understanding we were each formed by a loving God who desires for us to be a daily reflection of his love and goodness in the world around us. It is about realizing that knowing God requires intention, and that following Jesus and walking in friendship with him is a journey with no end, as there is always more to discover.
I am glad you are here and hope that you are excited to continue to grow and discover Jesus together.
~ Melissa