A Look Ahead
During the last week, I have seen a lot of posts pop up on social media, with many people sharing their word of the year. I think this is a fine idea if it is helpful to you and feels anchoring throughout your year. There have been years in the past when I chose a word too.
But, I do something a little different now.
Twelve months is a long time. I know it feels like it flies by, but it helps me to think about my year in a couple of different ways.
I like to look at the calendar for the whole year and notice the things that stand out as important—sort of a cursory overview of what is to come.
For instance, in 2024, I know we are kicking the year off with a family trip. I also know we are planning to travel in April to see the eclipse. I know my youngest son will begin his senior year of high school in the fall. And I know my oldest son will begin his senior year of college at the same time. I know I will graduate from the spiritual direction program I’ve participated in for two years. And I know my husband will have several trips for work where I’ll be flying solo at home.
I could go on and on, but this is a small peek into our year ahead.
I recognize that over the course of twelve months, there are going to be twists and turns. Currently, we have signs of a leak in our dining room and a weird hole in our kitchen floor. Our air conditioner has been on the fritz for the last two summers, and our appliances have seen better days. And I’m sure there are things on the horizon that we can’t even name yet.
It helps me to have a snapshot of where the year is headed, as best as I can see with my limited vision.
The second way I like to look at the year is by breaking it into quarters. 13 weeks at a time. I was a children’s pastor for a lot of years and quarters is how everything was planned.
Winter Quarter (Dec-Feb)
Spring Quarter (Mar-May)
Summer Quarter (June-Aug)
Fall Quarter (Sept-Nov)
And honestly, this is still so helpful for me. Once I’ve made an overview for the year, I can start to pay attention to what I can add to my calendar each quarter. Knowing what is coming helps me not to overbook my schedule. It allows margin for rest and for adapting when things change unexpectedly, because we all know they do.
My hope all year is to stay close to Jesus. To remember that he is with me in every circumstance and season. To trust that I can rely on the Spirit to speak to me and lead me throughout my days.
A lot can change in a year. And, a lot can stay the same.
However you choose to pay attention to the year ahead, I think the key is intentionality.
John Mark Comer says - “Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus, Do what Jesus did,” and I think that is a beautiful way for us to live our days.
~ Melissa