A Fall Examen

As I sit down to write, I am watching the leaves fall outside my window. It is strange. We’ve had an unusually wet November, and the grass, which is usually brown and crunchy by now, has had a resurgence and is actually spring green but covered with crunchy brown leaves.

Here in Oklahoma, fall has felt more like spring than spring did this year. We’ve had tornadoes, tons of rain, and some pretty humid days. Not exactly what I was hoping for when the calendar announced fall, but alas, here we are.

I wonder how this fall is finding you. Has it been what you expected? Maybe it has been exactly what you needed, or maybe it has been disappointing. Likely, there has been a mixture of ups and downs. Isn’t that true of every season?

With that in mind, this seemed like a good week for us to take some time to examine how we are doing and to begin preparing our hearts and minds for the Season of Advent, which begins in just under two weeks.

I invite you to grab a journal, a sheet of printer paper, a spiral notebook, your phone, or whatever you prefer to jot down some notes. Then, find a comfy spot to sit for a few minutes and consider these reflection questions.  

  • How are you?  

    • What is filling your mind? 

    • How is your body feeling? 

    • What emotions feel close to the surface?

  • What joys or disappointments are you facing? 

    • What does it look like for you to grieve the hard things? 

    • What does it look like for you to celebrate the joyous things? 

  • What are things like with you and God? 

    • What would you like to talk with God about today? 

    • What practices are helping you stay connected with God? 

    • What ways would you like to grow in this relationship? 

  • As you think of the Season of Advent ahead, how would you like to prepare to engage the season fully? 

    • Would you like to look for an Advent study to join? 

    • Is there a book about Advent you’d like to read? 

    • Would you like to adjust your schedule to allow you to slow down during Advent? If so, what might that look like? 

I hope you are able to take time this week to consider these questions - maybe even revisit them and add whatever feels important to you.

As you pay attention to these things, begin to ask the Holy Spirit to help you notice what is going on inside of you and get curious about what God might be inviting you into in the season ahead.

May you feel the profound love of God this week.  


 ~  Melissa


Think About These Things


Choosing Joy